MDOutlook announces the launch of its latest syndicated research study in which U.S. and international oncologists provide their perspectives on who, why and how the industry demonstrates leadership in advancing cancer treatment and care.
The Pharmaceutical Company Ranking in Oncology addresses and provides:
- what the oncologist community views as best practices by pharma in support, engagement
and communication in improving cancer patient treatment and care
- who and what exemplifies leadership in addressing today’s top cancer care challenges
- additional specific oncologist views on pharma breast cancer leadership
- a self-assessment benchmarking tool for improving and enhancing current oncologist community outreach and support
- an optional study on oncologist views and usage of recently-launched breast cancer treatment therapies
Additional study details:
> comprehensive quantitative and qualitative research conducted:
> more than 100 medical oncologists interviewed via online (U.S. and Europe-based)
> top international experts recognized for their leadership in oncology interviewed by phone
> oncologist ranking criteria across 9 categories including innovation, sales reps and MSL support
> analysis available by U.S. and E.U. regions
> option to purchase entire syndicated study or customized reports tied to specific data within the study
> entire syndicated study and requested customized reports available within 3 days of purchase
> please click here to read more study details and how to order
Contact John Kane at [email protected] or at +1.814.325.9945 for inquiries about and/or to purchase this research.
NOW AVAILABLE: Impact of New Breast Cancer Data Announcements at ESMO 2017
Newly published syndicated report available on the impact of new breast cancer data presented at ESMO 2017:
> compare sponsored symposia
> get a read on expert sessions focused on HER2+ve adjuvant and neo-breast cancer treatments
> gain insights on poster and presentations on breast cancer at ESMO 2017, including perceptions of current breast cancer biosimilars
> assess awareness and impact of clinical trial data in specific breast cancer studies
> please click on this link to learn more