Whether it is the impact of the future usage in ALK positive lung cancer in first line of alectinib over the current standard of care or the potential use of DNA Disease repair in advanced BRCA-related breast cancer, many innovations in cancer treatment will be having an impact on the treatment protocols moving forward.
After every major conference, MDOutlook provides valuable insights to our clients on the impact of new data presented. With the 17 ASCO conference behind us, we will be generating syndicated reports in the following therapy areas:
• Bladder
• Breast
• Hematology: AML, CML
• Hepato-Cellular Carcinoma
• Melanoma
• Non-small cell lung cancer
• Prostate
• Renal Cell Carcinoma
If you would like to purchase or receive more details about our post conference syndicated reports, email me at jan.heybroek@mdoutlook.com.